Reskin Clive’s Appearance With Multiple Options v2.0
Reskin multiple outfits with many armor options as well as choice of 28yr or 33yr face! Set Clive’s Burnt Black outfit as the reskinned one and you can toggle your new look in game via the Arete Stone. This mod rolls the function of a number of other existing mods into one and makes sure face and armor appearances are compatible.
This mod requires the Final Fantasy XVI Mod Loader (Reloaded-II) to install.
It also requires the FFXVI Mod Framework to run properly.
Please download and install both requirements along with this mod, and then follow the instructions here: https://nenkai.github.io/ffxvi-modding/modding/installing_mods/
This is now a completely overhauled version of the original Clive’s Blue V-neck with Leather Pants mod that rolls the function of several existing mods into one. Now you can selectively choose from a number of different outfits, which outfit(s) to reskin, as well as whether you wish to use Clive’s 28 year old or 33 year old face. The combined functions also ensure that armor and face appearance choices are compatible with one another.
If you prefer, you can even choose not to reskin any outfits, but instead just assign your favorite Clive face to the Burnt Black outfit. This lets you toggle Clive’s face in game via the Arete Stone! The same principle applies to armor appearance.
Everything can be configured in the convenient Reloaded Configuration Menu interface, accessible when you click the “Configure Mod” button.
First, select from the dropdown box which armor appearance you’d like.
Then select from the next dropdown box which face appearance you’d like.
Finally, tick the buttons to select which outfit(s) should get reskinned.
Here are the currently available armor appearance options:
Blue V-Neck with Leather Pants: This is a variation of Clive’s undershirt outfit. It’s a mix/match of the pre-timeskip dark blue v-neck shirt with the post-timeskip leather pants, for those of you who prefer the blue shirt color but are not fond of army pants tucked into clunky boots.
Cream V-Neck with Leather Pants: This is Clive’s undershirt outfit that he wears post-timeskip while healing from injury.
Blue V-Neck with Army Pants: This is Clive’s undershirt outfit that he wears to sleep pre-timeskip in Eastpool.
Imperial Bearer: This is Clive’s outfit at the beginning of the game when he’s still enslaved by the Imperial army.
Burnt Black: This is Clive’s alternate outfit that becomes available when you unlock the Arete Stone armor appearance option halfway through Act I of the game. Please note this outfit is only available with the hood up when reskinning the pre-timeskip Imperial outfit.
Screenshots of each outfit can be found in the image gallery. And more outfits will hopefully be added to this mod soon! If you’re interested, there is a NSFW variation of this mod that is listed separately which includes a NSFW armor appearance option.
Known Issues
Unfortunately many of these reskins still have a glitch where Clive’s arms and legs become invisible during semi-prime.
The aforementioned hood up issue also exists when choosing to reskin the Imperial outfit with certain appearances.