Ragnarök Leads the Charge: Norse-Inspired Weapons in FFXVI

Ragnarök Leads the Charge: Norse-Inspired Weapons in FFXVI

Weapon Name ATK Stagger Location
Ragnarök 325 325 “Blacksmith’s Blues” Sidequest Chain

Weapons in Final Fantasy XVI can be obtained through various methods, with one of the most common being the completion of specific sidequest chains. One of these chains fittingly revolves around helping a blacksmith rediscover his passion for his craft. This quest becomes available after players complete the “Across the Narrow” main quest. Once players finish the “Blacksmith’s Blues” sidequest chain, the blacksmith rewards Clive with Ragnarök, a key weapon necessary for crafting even more powerful arms later in the game.

Like many weapons in the game, Ragnarök has equal ATK and Stagger stats, which is uncommon for the Final Fantasy series. Unfortunately, this simplifies weapon selection to prioritizing whichever weapon has the best stats, leaving out traditional RPG factors like utility. However, players can change the weapon’s appearance at any time, allowing them to make Ragnarök resemble other weapons, including Cloud Strife’s iconic Buster Sword. While Ragnarök is a formidable weapon on its own, its true potential is unlocked through upgrades that significantly boost its stats.

Author: www.ffxvimods.com
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