Masamune: The Iconic Sword that Shaped Final Fantasy XVI

Masamune: The Iconic Sword that Shaped Final Fantasy XVI

Weapon Name ATK Stagger Location
Masamune 310 310 The Shadow Coast

Throughout the Final Fantasy series, Masamune has been wielded by various characters, earning a reputation as one of the franchise’s most legendary weapons. Among its most renowned users is Sephiroth, the iconic antagonist from Final Fantasy VII. In Final Fantasy XVI, Clive Rosfield also has access to this powerful blade. Unlike many other weapons in the game, Masamune doesn’t need to be crafted by a blacksmith. Instead, players can discover the famous nodachi naturally during their journey.

After completing the main story mission “Footfalls in Ash,” players can freely explore the Angry Gap, a subregion of the Shadow Coast. Masamune is a formidable weapon with an impressive base attack power of 310 and significant stagger potential. In New Game+, it receives an upgrade that boosts these stats to 560. As with other weapons, this upgrade is only available in New Game+, so players should ensure they acquire this powerful blade during their first playthrough.

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