Final Fantasy 16: The Nations Of Valisthea

Final Fantasy 16: The Nations Of Valisthea

Final Fantasy XVI features a decades-spanning story that takes protagonist Clive Rosfield on a journey across the continent of Valisthea. Developer Creative Business Unit III has crafted five main nations at the heart of the game’s story and wars, each with its unique culture and connection to the highly coveted Mothercrystals.

Here’s a brief overview of each kingdom and their relationship with the Mothercrystals.

The Grand Duchy of Rosaria: Bastion of Tradition

  • Formed by a group of small independent provinces in Western Valisthea, this nation relies on the Drake’s Breath Mothercrystal for aether. The story of FFXVI begins here, and it’s home to Clive and Joshua Rosfield.
  • Home of the Dominant of the Phoenix.

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque: Where Ambition is Divine:

  • The largest theocratic force in Valisthea, Sanbreque houses the holy capital of Oriflamme, built around the massive Drake’s Head Mothercrystal, which provides the people with abundant magical aether.
  • Home of the Dominant of Bahamut.

The Kingdom of Waloed: Indomitable In Its Isolation

  • Waloed rules the eastern half of Valisthea, and while much about this nation remains unknown, the Drake’s Spine Mothercrystal powers it, making it an attractive target for warring kingdoms seeking aether.
  • Home of the Dominant of Odin.

The Dhalmekian Republic: Whose Fortunes Shift Like The Desert Sands

  • Comprising five parliamentary states, this republic’s Mothercrystal, Drake’s Fang, is situated in the heart of a mountain range, protecting its dominion over a large portion of southern Valisthea.
  • Home of the Dominant of Titan.

The Iron Kingdom: Forged In Faith And Fear

  • Consisting of a small group of five islands off the coast of Storm, the Iron Kingdom is governed by the extreme Crystalline Orthodox faith. It shares the Drake’s Breath Mothercrystal with the Grand Duchy of Rosaria but views dominants as unholy abominations, executed upon birth.
  • No Dominant calls this kingdom home.

The Crystalline Dominion: The Unblinking Eye of the Storm

  • An armistice peace treaty keeps this small land, home to the Drake’s Tail Mothercrystal, neutral. However, as the need for more aether grows among the other five nations, its neutrality may be at risk.
  • No Dominant calls this dominion home.

Creative director Kazutoyo Maehiro explains that Valisthea’s creation began with a look back at real-world history and a map. To create a more dynamic and engaging story, the team decided to diversify the types of governments present in the five main nations, ranging from democracies to kingdoms.

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