Clive Blue V Neck with Leather Pants v1.0
Variation of Clive’s undershirt outfit. Uses the dark blue pre-timeskip shirt with the post-timeskip leather pants. Preserves 28 year old Clive’s face if used pre-timeskip. Preliminary release version.
This is a variation of Clive’s undershirt outfit (which can be found in Tenshiken1’s Clive’s casual clothes mod). It’s a mix/match of the pre-timeskip dark blue v neck shirt with the post-timeskip leather pants, for those of you who prefer the blue shirt color but are not fond of sweatpants tucked into clunky boots.
– Final Fantasy XVI Mod Loader (Reloaded-II)
If used pre-timeskip, it also preserves Clive’s 28 year old face.
This is a preliminary release, due to there being a glitch where Clive’s arms and legs become invisible during semi-prime.