3 Second Skill Cooldowns v1.0
All skill cooldowns set to 3 seconds. Rift Slip 2 seconds.
More Variations may come.
Reloaded II) Install the Reloaded II mod into the mod manager by dragging it over to the left side. Requires: Nenkai’s Reloaded II Mod Loader.
If installed via Reloaded II: you only need to launch FFXVI through Reloaded II once. Afterwards, you can launch your game normally via Steam.
If you’re using either my OP Bustersword mod, or any other that modifies 0007 directory, simply place command.nxd inside the mod you’re currently using. Delete the old 0007.diff.pac file generated by Reloaded II before, and you should be good to go.
Reloaded II) delete the mod from Reloaded II & launch the game via Reloaded II. Delete the generated 0007.diff.pac file from FINAL FANTASY XVI\data